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A School Where Children With Disability Become Super -abled!
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
After transforming lives of 1000+ Children with Disability, APD is raising funds for its integrated school SIS & help transform 200 lives!
INR 46,650
GOAL INR 11,20,000
Accepts funds from Indian Passport / ID holders only.
Campaign ended.

To contribute any amount without rewards.

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Started from 08/03/2017
Ended on 15/05/2017
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The Association for People with Disability (APD) is a non-profit organiSation based in Bangalore. APD runs the Shradhanjali Integrated School (SIS) - that takes in young children with disabilities and transforms their lives.  SIS gives wings to their dreams . SIS has transformed lives of many children &  they have gone on to  become successful doctors, IT professionals, engineers and most importantly - Confident and Independent citizens. Here are some success stories of strength and grit

Sayyed Zakir :

From severe disability to working at top firms like INFOSYS & BRITISH PETROLEUM(BP).


Sayyed Zakir was a student of the Shradhanjali Integrated School (SIS) from 1982 to 1990. He was a severely disabled child with Polio in both legs and came from a very poor family. His dad was a bus conductor with KSRTC ( The Karnataka Road transport corporation) . Zakir was the youngest child in a family of 8 siblings . His older brothers started working when they were very young to make ends meet and were electricians , plumbers etc . His family and brothers decided that they had to educate him and get him to do something different . While his family did not have affirmative hopes for the child and no positive ideas about schooling, but they had him enrolled nevertheless. The SIS school designed a rehabilitation program for him that helped him throughout his schooling days.

PIC: Sayyed Zakir as a kid and now

Zakir vividly remembers that the teachers and everyone else at SIS insisted and forced him to wear his calipers, even though he disliked wearing them. He recalls that SIS was very strict with his calipers and he was encouraged to wear them if he wanted to attend classes. This practice, he says, has now been very helpful and because of SIS he feels very independent.

Zakir currently is a solution design consultant at Infosys in Bangalore. He says he has overcome his disability & many hurdles. In his words “I have practically travelled half the world.” He also had the opportunity to work with British Petroleum in Kuala Lumpur for 2 years . Zakir has a different idea about life; he felt that more than a wife he wanted a partner and therefore married a girl with disability. They now have a daughter with whom they travel across the world. Zakir thinks the SIS school played an very important part in his life and success.  

Dr. Sunitha

From being unable to take walk to making others walk out healthy

Sunitha was a student of SIS from 1992 to 2000. She was a victim of Polio, which affected both her lower legs. She was brought to SIS in a crawling condition, without any idea about how the future will turn out. SIS designed a strong rehabilitation program for Sunitha which enabled her to walk on crutches. For this contribution, she always credits SIS as an important part of her life. She was always a bright student at SIS and excelled at academics and exams. She later completed her MBBS and attained an MD and is now a successful dermatologist with a hospital in the town of Kolar.


PIC: Dr. Sunitha - As an SIS young student and after SIS as a capable doctor

Farzan Pasha

Shape his dream

PIC: Farzan Pasha. He is currently student at SIS. 

Looking at the above photo you will not notice much difference between him and a child without disability. But when he came to SIS six years ago this student with Cerebral Palsy, has to be carried by his mother as there was no leg movement. Thanks to the work and continuous intervention provided by APD/SIS staff Farzan is able to walk independently. Next year Farzan will be ready to join the regular school and will on his way to become productive citizen of India. There is nothing stopping him now.

There are 200 such Farzans currently study in SIS. Another 25 to 30 will join every year thanks to generous donors like you.

The cost of educating one child is INR 5,000 per month.

The cost includes teaching, transportation from home to school, therapy aids, equipment and mid day meal.

Through this campaign we are looking to raise INR 11.2L. This will help us support 200 kids at SIS school for one month.

FUND 5,000 INR and make a difference to one kid.

FUND 25,000 INR and change the lives of 5 kids.

Disclaimer: The campaign goal of 11.2L also includes the crowdfunding charges.

Unique Aspects:

The school maintains an 80:20 ratio of children with disabilities and the non-disabled to promote inclusion. The school has 200 students in nursery through 7th standard. Most of these children suffer from severe disabilities. Almost all of the students come from the poorer section of the society. SIS aims to provide education at only 20% of the cost of schooling which is possible because of the donations they receive from generous people.

Therapy and & medical intervention. We also provide assistive devices like wheel chair caliper rollators etc.

Pic: Speech and hearing impaired children in language building session 

All the children get personalized plans as per their individual needs. They are provided with regularly physiotherapy, speech therapy,assistive devices and medical consultation. SIS focuses on activity-oriented learning, promoting sports, arts and crafts to ensure all-round development. SIS also have three interactive classrooms- Digiclass. These classrooms are equipped with audio- visual devices through which the standard course curriculum is taught. 

Pic: interactive classrooms -Digiclass

PIC: Water therapy. 

PIC: As part of therapy and exercise kids participate in outdoor sports.

Facilities like mid-day meals, books, uniforms, healthcare, rehabilitation, transportation and adapted learning techniques supplement their academic inputs. This model has ensured 90% mainstreaming, with most children moving on to regular or special schools.


  • Children with disability from poor families find it difficult to get into mainstream schools. 
  • The cost of education again is a barrier for parents from a poor background.
  • Getting to school safely and getting back to home is equally big concern for parents.
  • Regular personalized access to aids, appliances and therapy is also a barrier
  • The capacity of parents to handle children with disability needs to strengthened

The Shradhanjali Integrated School at the APD campus focusses on solving all these problem in an integrated fashion

The Association for People with Disability (APD) is a non-profit organization based out of Bangalore. Founded in 1959, we have worked extensively over the last 57 years to reach out and rehabilitate people with disabilities from the economically downtrodden strata of society.

We do this through Education, Vocational Training & Livelihood, Healthcare, Therapy & Mobility Aids, Advocacy and Network & Collaboration with other NGOs. In 2015-16 in education APD directly supported over 25,000 beneficiaries directly and even more indirectly through partner organization in the above areas. Since its inception APD has directly helped over 3,00,000 beneficiaries directly and many more indirectly

  • We have impacted over 3,00,000 persons with disability directly and many more indirectly
  • We catch them early - Through our Early Intervention program we screen babies at primary health clinics for disability and intervenes to ensure control progression of disability
  • We teach and educate them – Through our school, Industrial Training Institute and Center of disability management
  • We train them to earn –Through our livelyhood programs, such as horticulture, hospitality and BPO training
  • We rehabilitate –By customising assistive devices such as wheel chair, hearing aids etc.
  • We also walk the talk: 30% of our employees are persons with disabilities

PIC: We employ people with disabilities at the APD Centre.

Our aim is to create an inclusive society, where people with disabilities are accepted into the mainstream economy and social life. To provide a culture and an eco-system where they can earn, live and sustain themselves with dignity and respect.

Our mission is to:

  • To enable and empower all stakeholders:
  • Ensure opportunities
  • Promote inclusion
  • Access to rights and entitlements

Risks and challenges

SIS is an established institution working from 1973. APD is running the SIS school successfully mostly on Donor funding and sees little risk for the continuation for acedemic season 2017-18 the year in which most of the funds raised in this campaign will be used.


How does crowdfunding work?

Crowdfunding in India is a relatively new concept & is growing very quickly.

It’s s concept that allows a large number of funders (like you) to fund an Idea or a cause or event by giving small amounts of money online. Fueladream is a crowdfunding site and platform in India that allows for such a pooling of funds.

You can fund innovations & ideas on FuelADream and be the first to get these products or make them come true. You can also do a good turn by funding charities and causes through crowdfunding. When you fund a charity it’s more like a donation & you get small innovative rewards like a shout-out on a FB page or a thank you email from the beneficiaries.

Weekly Updates have been committed to after the campaign ends.
This is an open forum for all funders of this campaign.
Other registered users can send their comments/ queries directly to the campaign owner as a message.

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Click to claim

INR 500
Facebook shout out from APD
Thank you for your support. You will receive a shout out on the APD Facebook page.
CLAIMED 0 Out Of 1000
Delivery date: 05/2017
INR 1,000
Thank you email from APD
Thank you for your support. You will receive a thank you email and an FB shout out from APD.
CLAIMED 1 Out Of 500
Delivery date: 05/2017
INR 2,500
A thank you letter from APD.
Thank you for your contribution. You will receive a personal thank you email and an FB shout out from APD
CLAIMED 0 Out Of 250
Delivery date: 05/2017
INR 5,000
A copy of painting done by SIS Student
Thank you for your contribution. As a token of appreciation, you will receive a personal thank you card made by a student at APD and also a shout out on the APD Facebook page.
CLAIMED 1 Out Of 100
Delivery date: 05/2017
INR 10,000
A Desk calendar made from painting of SIS students
Thank you for your contribution. As a token of appreciation you will receive a thank you poster made by the kids at APD and also a shout out on the APD Facebook page.
CLAIMED 0 Out Of 50
Delivery date: 05/2017
INR 25,000
A thank younote from a kid at SIS
Thank you for your generosity. As a token of appreciation, you will receive a thank you call and a poster from one of the kids at ADP. You will also receive a shoutout on the APD Facebook page.
CLAIMED 0 Out Of 25
Delivery date: 05/2017