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Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
The Siva Shantha Mother & Child hospital takes holistic care of mother & child from month 3 of pregnancy to 3 years. It's easy to chip in.
INR 3,48,700
GOAL INR 6,00,000
Accepts funds from Indian Passport / ID holders only.
Campaign ended.

To contribute any amount without rewards.

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Started from 11/04/2016
Ended on 10/07/2016
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The flutter of life inside a mother. A time when she rejoices at what she has created and looks forward to a beautiful life ahead for her baby. A time when she glows because nature is prepping her for nurturing the life inside her. A time to celebrate and be joyous. Families cherish the expecting woman and give her the best nutrition and care during this time. But… not all are blessed to be in such circumstances.

Meet Suguna. Suguna was in her 3rd month of pregnancy and was contemplating suicide. She was holding her 1-year-old daughter Ramya‘s hand, and this was her second pregnancy when she showed up at Siva Shantha  Mother and Child health centre. Her husband had left her for another woman and her family had ostracized her for marrying against their wishes. She had nowhere to go and no source of income.

She turned up at Siva Shantha for a pre-natal check-up- distraught, distressed and suicidal. Siva Shantha took her in and cared for her medically, through her pregnancy and delivery. They prepared her also to be self-sufficient financially by vocationally educating her in handicrafts. Her family was convinced by Siva Shantha that she was not a financial burden anymore as she was equipped to be financially independent. Three months after she had her baby boy, Sanjay, she returned to work at Sivanjali Creative Arts which provides skills and employment for women in need. Today Suguna is the proud head of the doll making department at Sivanjali Creative Arts. Her children are in school with aid from a Siva family member from Singapore.

A life turned around. A chance to rebuild from scratch when everything looks bleak and hopeless.

 That is the power that you hold in your hands. To give someone a second chance at life.

Help us through your contribution to Siva Shantha, the ability to help scores of women who are in similar or worse situations than Suguna- Women to whom life has not been fair and fate has dealt a serious blow. You could be THAT donor who turns their life around and gives a mother and her unborn child a better future.


It is scientifically proven that the most important part of a human’s life is in the early formative years. It is also an ancient belief in India that a baby starts its life from within the mother’s womb from the 3rd month onward and that it is aware and sensitive to external stimulations. Giving the best care to the mother and child during this important period is critical which is why this project of Siva Shantha is named ‘3 months to 3 years’ care ‘.

Siva Shantha is about taking care of Mothers and babies holistically. The care is given to the mother, taking into account her social, psychological and economic condition. There are special programs for helping the mother enjoy her pregnancy and pass on her positive energy to the baby. Every mother who walks in is important and is treated with compassion and care.


Siva Shantha Mother and Child Health Centre is a charity hospital. The main focus is to offer  maximum support to an expectant mother by way of

  • Consultation
  • nutritional supplementation
  • Lab tests and ultra-scan
  • relaxation techniques including yoga
  • foetal therapy
  • safe delivery
  • Early child care
  • Immunization for the baby up to three years
  • Care of the baby up to 3 years (*currently for children of the staff)


The Cost break up

To support a mother throughout her pregnancy, conduct a safe delivery and to give the mandatory immunization to the baby up to 3 years, the actual cost is

The above is the bare minimum of medical charges. Out of the total cost the patient pays whatever she can, which is generally 50% of the total. We bear the rest of the cost.


You can help a mother and child have a better future by Sponsoring a mother for Rs. 15,000.However, ANY small amount is accepted gratefully.


The following are the details about the project:



Q. How old is your organization?

A. Siva Shantha Mother and Child Health Centre  is 29 years old. We started our inpatient care in 2011 and the project ‘3 months to 3 years’ has been running successfully for 5 years now.

Q. How many doctors do you have on rolls?

A. We have 6 doctors on roll

Q. How many out patients do you see every day?

A. About 60 to 80

Q. Is your service given only to pregnant mothers?

A. No. We treat men, women and children in our outpatient department. We admit not only pregnant women in our wards but all women and children.

Q. Do you have operation theatre facilities?

A. Yes, we have two fully equipped theatres one of them is a laparoscopic theatre.

Q. Do you help all the mothers who come for delivery?

A. There is a small percentage of patients who can afford to pay the total bill amount because our charges are very nominal.

Q. How do you select a mother for sponsorship?

A. When a patient registers with us, we collect the details of the patient and check the economic background. We post this information in our group and request for help. So by the time the mother comes for delivery, the sponsorship is ready.

Q. Do you start giving the mother free multi vitamins and other services only when she gets the sponsorship?

A. No. The free medication, subsidized consultation and all the programs start for the mother whether sponsored or not.

Q. Besides medical treatment what else do you offer these women?

A. When we find that a patient in depressed stage, we arrange for psychological counseling and arrange for moral support to be given to the patient.

Q. What are the special programs given to the pregnant woman?

A. The mothers are taught to relax their body and mind and a few simple movements and stretches are taught. Breathing exercise is also taught. We also offer Embryo therapy which is a special program to teach the women as well as their spouses, to communicate effectively with the baby in the womb, and is conducted every month from the 4th to 9th month. This helps in the right development of the fetus physically, mentally, psychologically and spiritually.

Q. Do you have any such programs after the delivery?

A. Yes. We teach the mothers simple exercises to bring their bodies to the original shap12We have a program called baby yoga where the mother is taught to spend quality time with the baby, with small movements for the baby. Both the mother and baby enjoy these sessions.

Q. Do you have the data of the mothers who have delivered here?

A. Yes, we have all the details of the mothers who have delivered here. Some of them have started coming back for their next delivery also.

Q. What are the services that you give a patient after delivery?

A. Post Natal Yoga

Baby Yoga for the baby

Heavily subsidized or free immunization

The immunization record is maintained for each baby. Even if the baby lives out of the city, the mother is called up the details are updated.

Free checkups each year for 3 years.

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Augustine Paul Chelladurai
a nice way to funding. hats off.
8 years ago
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INR 100
Special "Thank You" note on Face book and a Beautiful book
Shout out on Sivanjali Facebook page with your name Thanking you specially and a beautiful book by Swami Sivananda.
CLAIMED 0 Out Of 250
Delivery date: 07/2016
INR 1,000
A beautiful book and Special Spice Powder Pack
The spice powders are a combination of specially sourced ingredients and made using the treasured ancient recipes of the South. The powders are hygienically made at the Shivanjali Sweets and Spice unit with no preservatives or additives.
CLAIMED 0 Out Of 200
Delivery date: 09/2016
INR 2,000
Hand crafted sling bag and a colorful mobile
The special hand made soft toy mobile for the car and a hand made sling bag from our Creative Arts section of Shivanjali.
CLAIMED 3 Out Of 200
Delivery date: 09/2016
INR 5,500
Kannamma Doll and a Sling bag
Kannama dolls are the signature of Sivanjali. Limited edition, never seen before will be made only for this campaign. It is a functional doll. The sling bag is also a hand made product of Shivanjali.
CLAIMED 1 Out Of 100
Delivery date: 09/2016
INR 15,000
Special edition Kannama doll and all of the above
Special Kannama doll, and all of the above unique items specially packed and sent to you. The mother is linked to you through various emails about the progress of the mother and child. The picture of the mother and child are sent to you. If requested, a meeting with the mother can be arranged at Shivanjali. The follow up is done for 3 years.
CLAIMED 1 Out Of 10
Delivery date: 09/2016
INR 1,50,000
One night two days visit to the Trust and all the above
A unique opportunity for one night stay and visit to the trust. Avail of the hospitality and transparent functioning of the Hospital and other arms of the trust. PLUS All of the above.
CLAIMED 0 Out Of 1
Delivery date: 09/2016