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DPS Give Sight: Anushree Prakash Campaign To Gift Vision
I am Anushree, 13 yrs old & in 8th grade. With your help, I want to gift sight to 20 elderly people in villages suffering from Cataract
INR 8,000
GOAL INR 20,000
Accepts funds from Indian Passport / ID holders only.
Campaign ended.

To contribute any amount without rewards.

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Started from 18/08/2017
Ended on 17/10/2017
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Cataract operations performed in cities like Bangalore typically cost between INR 8000 to 12000 depending on the case and complexity (with Indian lenses being used). With foreign lenses the cost zooms to INR 40000. The Rotary Bangalore Indiranagar (RBI) in association with the Globe Eye Foundation are now able to impact & make these surgeries available at a much lower cost of close to INR 3800. Of the INR 3800, government subsidies and revenue from other surgeries take care of approximately INR 2800. THE BALANCE 1000 INR NEEDS FUNDING!

Through this crowdfunding campaign, I want to raise INR 1000 per surgery to make 20 cataract surgeries happen! These cataract surgeries are mainly for the elderly (65 years and above) in the rural areas of KOLAR, HOSKOTE & CHINTAMANI (these are rural areas around Bangalore). This campaign will impact the rural elderly (both men and women) who are poor and in-need of urgent surgery. JUST INR 1000 from you will GIVE SIGHT to the rural elderly!


The money raised, will be given to our partners - Rotary Bangalore Indiranagar & they will pay the amount to the NGO - Globe Eye Foundation. Once the money is given, the Globe Eye Foundation will use it to perform cataract surgeries for the elderly poor in villages in Hoskote, Kolar & Chintamani. They will then share the details with me. I shall then post an update giving you details of the elderly whose eye sight has been corrected so that you know for whose treatment your money has been used.



I am 13 years old and study in class 8 at Delhi Public School, Bangalore East. Right now, I am trying to help the elderly poor in rural areas regain their vision. I am a sporty and my favourite indoor sport is badminton and outdoor sport is football. I am only child for my parents. I am from Tamil Nadu. My grandparents live a small village in Tamil Nadu and I have been to the village in most of my holidays. There I see poor people without eyesight. People who do not have eyesight suffer as no one is ready to give job to them and they don’t trust them. As people need a job to lead their life, they need their eyesight back. After seeing the way they suffer I have volunteered for this DPS ’give sight’ campaign and I need your help for this . I am doing this to help the poor people as living without eyes is so hard. Poor people by regaining their eyesight can live happily and lead a simple life. By doing this campaign me or the people donating will get to be a part of one of India’s biggest initiative to make entire villages avoidable free. The smile on the poor faces is priceless. At last after the surgeries, we will be able to see the people who all have got their eyesight back. 

Pic: This is me

I have undertaken this campaign because I think the gift of sight is something that is critical to the well being of the elderly poor. The fact that just a contribution of INR 1000 can make a difference to the life of an elderly poor person made me realise that I must do something about it. Further, I believe that healthcare is a basic necessity which should be available to everyone irrespective of their financial condition.

The motto of Delhi Public School is ‘Service Before Self’ and in order to show our dedication to our school’s motto, we have joined the ‘GIVE SIGHT’ campaign.





We are raising money to cover the cost of the cataract surgery & the smallest amount you contribute will help them to regain their eyesight. The funds from this campaign will be transferred to Rotary Bangalore Indiranagar (since they are a registered NGO & you will get tax benefits). They will in-turn route it to the concerned hospitals. Once the campaign ends, regular updates will be posted to keep the funders abreast of which person received the surgery.


By funding this campaign, you are eligible for tax breaks as the Rotary Bangalore Indiranagar is a registered NGO & you can avail benefits under section 80G of the IT act. Foreign funding is not accepted. If you are an Indian living abroad or a person holding an Indian passport you can still fund this campaign.


There are 3 hospitals where these surgeries will be done. All 3 hospitals are managed by the GLOBE EYE FOUNDATION (GEF). The hospitals are located in Kolar, Hoskote and Chintamani. 


Rotary Bangalore Indiranagar is a global network of 1.2 million neighbours, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who come together to make positive, lasting changes in communities at home and abroad. For over 110 years, the Rotary Bangalore Indiranagar along with its members have used their passion, energy, and intelligence to take action on sustainable projects. From literacy and peace to water and health, they are committed to always working towards bettering our world.


Based out of Bangalore, the Globe Eye Foundation has made significant contributions to the needs of the poor & elderly in the villages around Bangalore. Founded in 1995 by Dr. Sundar Ram Shetty, Globe Eye Foundation is a registered charitable and non-profit organisation. It has been delivering eye care services through its Eye Hospital at Hoskote (near Bangalore) since 1996. The people of Kolar, Bangalore Rural and Urban districts are covered by this Hospital. More than 80% of the services are free for the poor in Karnataka. Their website is at the link http://www.globeeye.org/


Will we get to know details of the elderly who benefitted?

Yes. After the money has been collected it will be transferred by Fueladream to Rotary who will then give it to the Globe Eye Foundation. It will take from 30 to 90 days after that to get details of who the beneficiary was with details of them. Once I get this information from the team at Rotary & Globe Eye Foundation (as they collaborate on this) I shall upload this on the UPDATES section of this campaign. You will then get an alert & can read details about the beneficiaries.

What are the crowdfunding charges?

Fueladream charges 2% for the payment for the payment gateway and 7% as crowdfunding charges. With service tax the total comes to 10.62%. There is also an initial fee of 3000 INR which is being waived for us. Of the INR 20,000 a net amount of INR 17856 will be transferred to the Rotary Foundation.

When do I get the receipts?

It takes upto 2 weeks after the campaign is closed for the monies to be transferred. The receipts will start getting processed about 4 to 6 weeks AFTER the campaign is closed and will be sent to you directly.

How does crowdfunding work?

Crowdfunding in India is a relatively new concept & is growing very quickly.

It’s a concept that allows a large number of funders (like you) to fund an Idea or a cause or event by giving small amounts of money online. Fueladream.com is a crowdfunding platform in India that allows for such a pooling of funds.

You can fund innovations & ideas on FuelADream and be the first to get these products or make them come true. You can also do a good turn by funding charities and causes through crowdfunding. When you fund a charity it’s more like a donation & you get small innovative rewards like a shout-out on an FB page or a thank you email from the beneficiaries.

Weekly Updates have been committed to after the campaign ends.
6 years ago

This is an open forum for all funders of this campaign.
Other registered users can send their comments/ queries directly to the campaign owner as a message.

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6 years ago
INR 3,000
6 years ago
INR 2,000
6 years ago
INR 3,000

Click to claim

INR 500
Thank you E-mail!
I will, personally send you a mail thanking you for your contribution!
CLAIMED 0 Out Of 40
Delivery date: 09/2017
INR 1,000
Thank you Phone Call.
I will, personally call you thanking you for your contribution!
CLAIMED 0 Out Of 20
Delivery date: 09/2017
INR 2,500
E-mail + Phone Call!
I will send you a 'Thank you' email followed by a phone call.
CLAIMED 0 Out Of 5
Delivery date: 09/2017
INR 5,000
I will send you a card made by me, on your email address, thanking you for your support!
CLAIMED 0 Out Of 2
Delivery date: 09/2017
INR 10,000
Thank you video + E – card!
As a funder so huge, I will make a video expressing gratitude, for you! Also make you a card and send it to you on your email address.
CLAIMED 0 Out Of 1
Delivery date: 09/2017